ΔNIMΔ / N.E.W.S. from Everywhere

∆NIM∆: N.E.W.S. from Everywhere – is a global project by Sabine Kacunko, conceived as a place of activity dedicated to the links between humans, health, heritage, habitat and hospitality. It is both a homage and a prospect to their histories and futures. In this project:
– ∆NIM∆ appears as “air” and wind in the model of aerosols, microscopic particles with the microorganisms adhering to them.
– ∆NIM∆ appears also as “breath” in the model of the alveoli, the small cavities in the lungs in which the actual gas exchange takes place during breathing.
– ∆NIM∆ appears not least as a “life principle” in the model of an organism evoking human habitat and hospitality.

Learn more about the project: https://anima-web.de/

∆NIM∆: N.E.W.S. from Everywhere complies also to the actual global agenda of International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD2022) and is endorsed by International Science Council for addressing the essential role of some of the basic sciences for Sustainable Development: (marine) microbiology, material science, medicine, meteorology, astronomy and anthropology.