MICRO HUMAN is a recognized non-profit organization (NPO) based in Berlin. Support is given to arts and culture as well as science and research by studying and developing democratization processes, concepts of sustainability, ecological and economic structures and alternative models for society as well.  

MICRO HUMAN primarily supports interdisciplinary artistic projects in public spaces. These projects are accompanied by conferences, panels, lectures, readings or workshops.

A major goal of the non-profit organization is to increase public outreach of knowledge and sensitivity of the societies to the transformations, which affect public health, natural and cultural heritage. Since humans are cohabiting this planet with myriads of living beings, rethinking relations between the inherited and acculturated suggested an alleged need to think “post-human”.
In the light of rapid biotechnological advances and globally changing worldviews and circumstances, MICRO HUMAN suggests instead a persisting relevance of “Human” – however a rather “humble” Human, who acknowledges the facts of heritage, habitat and health that are shared among all human and not-human living being – MICRO HUMAN.

MICRO HUMAN was founded by Sabine Kacunko in 2012.